Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Exercise For Weight Loss

Exercise for weight loss. Many people make the mistake of thinking that the way to lose weight is to control what they eat – if only you could avoid those damned chocolate cream cakes, everything would be alright in the world! At the same time, these people often see thinner people scoffing those same foods and get very jealous: ‘why aren’t you fat by now if you eat like that?’

The answer, of course, is exercise. Exercise is a far more potent weapon against fat than changing your diet – it literally burns it off you. If you exercise enough, you can be burning more calories than you could ever hope to consume, leaving you free to fulfil that old diet promise of eating absolutely anything you want.

Sometimes people are put off exercising, believing that they don’t have the time or the money to join the gym or take some other form of regular exercise, but in reality it’s just not true. I’m sure you walk somewhere at some point in your day – jog instead. And you could no doubt manage a few sit-ups while you’re watching the TV of an evening. If you have a dog, take it for longer walks – this has the added bonus of making your dog very happy.

You see, the best forms of exercise are the ones you can do every day, like going up stairs instead of taking the lift, or parking towards the back of the car park when you go to the supermarket. These are easy changes to make that take very little time and effort, but can begin to pay huge dividends quite quickly when it comes to your weight. Then, once you’ve made that first step towards fitness, it’s much easier to find the energy and motivation to really go for it.

Ideally, an exercise program will not only help you lose weight, but will help you build muscle and stamina. You also want to design a exercise program that is balanced and exercises each part of your body.

If you don't have access to a gym, or you're like me and prefer to work out other ways, you'll want other exercise options.


Biking is an excellent exercise for losing weight, especially if you are not in good shape to start with. If you choose a relatively flat route and start out with short distances, you can start out very easily and work up to more strenuous rides. Be sure, though, that you are properly outfitted with an appropriate bike and equipment – visit your local bike shop for help and advice.


Swimming is another excellent exercise for losing weight. It is not hard on the body, but provides an excellent workout. Especially if you are a novice at swimming, you should swim in a pool with a lifeguard. If you don't know how to swim, check your yellow pages or ask around – you can get swimming lessons pretty cheaply most places.


Running is a great way to lose weight and get in shape, but it is harder on your body than swimming or biking. If you need to lose weight, you should probably start out with one of the other exercises until you get into better shape. Keep in mind that running and biking both work the legs, but they do work different primary muscles.

Don't wait – start and exercise program today to lose weight!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Fastest Way to Lose Weight

The fastest way to lose weight. The author of the acclaimed “Mucusless Diet Healing System”, Prof Arnold Ehret once said “If one way is true...it is the way of Nature!” It will be an understatement to say he was and is so correct.

In this day and age when everyone desires to be slim or slimmer as the case may be, only very few people know that one sure-fire, all natural, method can lead to a slimmer and more importantly healthier person.

This method is as old as the mountains and is known as Fasting. It is by far a greater cure of our ills-both physical and mental-than all of the drugs of the medical fraternity combined and when combined with an exclusive mucus-binding (alkaline forming) diet of mainly fruits, leafy and root vegetables (raw and cooked) and even basic exercises that involve the use of one’s own body weight for resistance such as Yoga, Calisthenics and Pilates, a well conducted fast can reap untold benefits for those seeking to lose weight.

There are several types of fasts that can be beneficial for weight loss.

1.The complete water fast: this, admittedly, should be conducted with extreme caution or in a specialized sanitarium if undertaken more than 3 days.

2.The juice fast: this is much easier for the general populace and can be undergone as long as you feel like it.

3. The fruit fast: This, well, is really not a fast per se…but when one lives exclusively on SEASONAL ORGANIC fruits for days on end…meaning mono meals (2 at the most ) of only one kind of fruit say Apples in Fall, Melons in summer for a week plus, you will be bound to see the benefits.

4. The dry fast: This is another camouflaged fast where one consumes ONLY dry fruits such as dates; figs etc for 3 days or thereabout and then breaks the fast with a laxative. Though highly praised in some quarters, it’s not so common.

The second and third choices are by far my personal recommendations for those seeking to lose weight.  A friend of mine tried the second choice after months of badgering and was able to eventually see the awesome cuts in his abdominal cavities. You should have heard him exclaim on the phone to me: “Foras…I got a six-pack man…and I didn’t even do no sit-ups…!” Moreover, his supposed hereditary red-eyes cleared up after several eye-doctors had told him it was just a genetic trait…yeah, right!

Being radical in nature, it must be undertaken with care and although I have covered it in chapter 17 of my e-book “fitness: inside and out”, do feel free to do some research before undertaking a fast or a restricted fruit diet.

Here are a few tips:

1. Prepare yourself for a fast by gradually tapering off of acid-forming aka “junk foods and commence to consuming raw and cooked fruits and veggies to begin a milder cleansing process as these items are the best intestinal brooms for the colon.

2. Every now and again, 3 hours after supper and say an hour or so before retiring to sleep, drink an herbal tea laxative such as “Smooth Move Herbal Tea” during this preparatory stage.

3. Drink 1-2 quarts of unflavored lemonade in the mornings to balance the chemical reactions within the body and to restore it to an alkaline state.

4. Be mentally prepared for the task ahead of fasting.

5. Take things a little easier while fasting or on a mono-diet of fruit.

6. Avoid using microwaves at all costs. I touched on this subject in the free section on controlling acne in my site.

Though not a conclusive list of the dos and don’ts of fasting be well informed that when undertaken properly, you’d not only lose the undesired weight, but you’d be well on your way to a cleaner and better you in no time.

Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss tips. Searching to lose weight to improve your appearance, your health, or even both? If you are, you might be looking for advice. The good news is that there are an amount of tips that you can use to help you successfully lose weight and hopefully achieve unwanted weight loss goal.

When it comes to slimming down, the best thing that you can do is eat healthy. Eating healthy consists of watching the foods that you consume, not necessarily how much food you eat. Of course, you may want to restrict the amount of foods that you take in, when on a diet, but it is more important to give attention to the foods that you do eat. For example, if you were to eat fruit rather than snacks, you could have more fruit snacks with foods than you would be able to if you were simply to eat rubbish food.

Since eating healthy is an important part of slimming down, you could be wanting to know how you can begin doing so. One of the first things that you should do is find and familiarize yourself with healthy meals. You can do this by way of standard yahoo search or by buying a collection of healthy eating recipe books. To minimize the boredom often associated with healthy eating, particularly if you are not use to it, it is vital that you "spice, " the foods and try to not eat the same meals repeatedly each week.

In interconnection with healthy eating, regular exercise is also important to weight loss. In the event you are looking to lose weight, you should start a physical exercise plan for yourself. Exercise is crucial as it burns off unhealthy calories. When you burn calorie consumption, the amount of unhealthy calories that your body absorbs decreases. This is, essentially, what makes it possible that you should lose weight. In the event that you haven't been working out regularly in the recent, it is important that you take it sluggish. Exercise is the best way to lose weight, but you do not want to over do it, especially at first.

If you don't already have an exercise plan or put in place, you might be wondering more about what you can do. 1 of the many ways in which you can go about finding exercises or routines to do is by buying an amount of fitness mags. Many fitness magazines have detailed exercises outlined in them, often accompanied by pictures. You may also have the ability to find free tutorial workout videos or exercise moves online. As a reminder, it is important to begin out slow or at least focus on exercises that would be easy for one to.

Consuming healthy and physical exercise are both important components of shedding pounds, but there are additional tips that you can use to get eliminate of weight. One of those tips involves finding a workout partner or a workout buddy. This kind of is an individual who can exercise with you, whether your exercise requires visiting a local fitness center or perhaps acquiring a walk at a local mall. Having a workout partner might help to keep you determined and it may help to keep exercising and shedding pounds fun and thrilling for you.

Another way that you can be about successfully obtaining unwanted weight damage goal is by "spicing, " up your exercises. As previously mentioned, you can use the internet or fitness magazines to find workouts so that you can do at home. In minimizing the boredom often associated with exercising you will want to alter your exercises, often on a regular basis. To get instance, one day you may want to use a treadmill, the next day you might want to lift weight load, and the next day you really should do an exercise DVD, and so on.

You should also consider making exercise and healthy eating wood logs or journals for yourself. These items may be used to track your progress. In case you have a good week, like one where you completed all your exercises, you may want to think about rewarding yourself. Your reward doesn't have to include food; it is usually something as simple as a sticker or dealing with you to a movie. 

Publications and logs have recently been known to help many individuals looking to lose weight and it could be able to the actual same for you.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Weight Loss Program Advice

Weight loss program advice. Do you get frustrated with your body, most especially your heavy weight? Do you wish that you have Jessica Alba’s svelte frame or Katie Holmes’ lithe body? Well, while some people are incredibly lucky to have been born with these kinds of physical attributes, or a hyperactive metabolism that prevents them from gaining weight despite whatever they eat, the majority of us have to constantly look out for our body.

If we don’t discipline ourselves enough, avoiding scrumptious glazed donuts for example, it is likely that you will soon be needing a weight loss program to shed off unwanted pounds.

1. Nutrition And Fitness
Aside from dieting, a person who is seeking to have a successful weight loss program should have some knowledge about nutrition and fitness. First, start with your overall attitude, not just towards food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Think about your everyday habits and your everyday routines. Is it something that constitutes as what fitness and diet experts might consider healthy?

2. Maintain Dicipline

Going through a weight loss program requires you to have enough discipline and patience because some people would like to shed off the pounds in as little as a month but that’s just not a healthy weight loss program. Well, yes, you can eliminate a couple of excess pounds in a limited time, but it's not good for you in the long run. Your body will go into shock because it will think there isn't enough food in your environment, meaning it will end up storing more fat, and that will make losing fat even harder. So never deprive yourself food.

3. Avoid Eating Disorders
Never totally deny your body food and water. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day as well as healthy meals. And while anorexia is denying the body food, bulimia is characterized by excessive eating then binging. Both are known to be deadly, and you should know that neither are proven methods. There is a huge difference between weighing less pounds and being healthy.

4. Weight Loss Regimens
People who are under a weight loss program, even while they’re still at the start of their weight loss regimen, need not put themselves down further by insisting that they’re ugly just because they are fat or even just a little bit overweight. Such poor self-esteem could lead to further damaging yourself. While having a weight loss routine, it is best that you keep a positive attitude and never set goals that are too unrealistic for you to achieve. Everyone has his or her own way of being able to gain or lose weight. Some have faster metabolisms than others while other’s weight loss progress may actually take some time.

Either way, it’s best to stick to a weight loss program that would not only be able to make you look great but will also make you healthy. There’s no point in having a great outer appearance if your stomach walls are bleeding due to ulcer or if you’re suffering from fainting spells because of food deprivation.

5. Work Together!
- Ask around like friends, family members or colleagues what they did
- Consult a registered dietician
- Enroll in a nearby gym or fitness center
- Quit smoking and don't drink on a regular basis

How Hypnosis Can Help On Weight Loss

How hypnosis can help on weight loss. For decades, people have turned to hypnotherapy to help them in all sorts of way, from unearthing and resolving hidden issues from one’s past to severe behavior modification. Hypnotherapy has been used with great success in helping people quit smoking, build self-esteem, and learn new subjects and skills. It’s no wonder people are turning now to hypnosis to also help them lose weight.

Does it work? For some. Hypnosis works on the unconscious mind through the power of suggestion, and the effectiveness with which a person can be hypnotized depends on how receptive the subject is to the experience. Put another way, hypnosis works best for people who come at it with an “open mind”.

How does hypnosis help a person lose weight? The same way it helps modify any behavior, by targeting your habits. It is one’s habits that lead to excessive weight gain and obesity, and it’s a change in those habits, replacing old “bad” ones with new “good” ones, that produce the kind of changes that can be sustained.

To build new, desirable, and sustainable habits, you must break down all your old associations regarding yourself, your weight, your appearance, food and eating, exercise, etc. and build new, positive and desirable associations. This is where hypnosis can be of tremendous aid. 

In a hypnotic state, you can more easily overcome those unconscious obstacles that hinder your weight loss efforts. Most people already know full well that proper diet and exercise is the way to lose weight, and yet so many find themselves helpless to do what they know they “should” be doing. 

What causes that is usually an unconscious association from our pasts that we’ve habituated in our everyday lives. These associations become so much a part of us we don’t ever think about them, much less question them. But when we remove our conscious mind from the equation, we’re more easily able to access those deep-seeded assumptions and reprogram them.

A person who continually struggles with diet and exercise programs, jumping from one to another as each in turn proves increasingly fruitless is most likely unconsciously resisting their own aims. As long as this condition remains, every attempt this person makes at weight loss will be equally counterproductive.

Losing weight is a state of mind. A person must be willing to lose weight to lose it – not simply be willing to diet and exercise, but deep down willing to lose weight. Success depends on a winning attitude on an unconscious level that permeates everything you do, whatever you do.

Hypnosis can help you build a new self-image, allowing you to envision yourself at your future weight. Hypnosis can help approach your weight and weight-loss program from am ore relaxed and stress-free perspective. Hypnosis can help build your optimism, enthusiasm and (most importantly) self-esteem for the task. And hypnosis can help you experience some of the benefits of living at your ideal weight here and now, in the present, even whilst you live in the body in which you currently live. 

The key to having a successful experience using hypnosis to lose weight is realizing that hypnosis alone won’t do it. No amount of hypnosis can replace a healthy and balanced diet and an active lifestyle with a blend of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Nothing can replace these cornerstones of maintaining a healthy weight, but hypnotherapy can certainly make adopting these new habits easier and more pleasurable, as it can put you in the right frame of mind to reap the benefits of all you do to get your weight loss goals met.